Project Description

The most powerful testament to a school’s high academic and spiritual standards is data. Many Christian schools tout the claim that they provide quality education in a Christian environment. But can either of those claims be measured for accuracy and growth?

The two biggest mistakes educators make when it comes to assessment data are:

  1. Looking at the wrong data. We have observed scores of schools claiming they are quality based upon grade equivelant scores, or other unclear assessment data to defend the quality of their programs. However, these numbers can be very misleading and unrepresentative of your student population.
  2. Looking at the correct data incorrectly. It has also been observed where schools are looking at the correct data to make broad claims of “excellence” while ignoring substantial failures on the part of the school to educate ALL of it’s students.

The ILCS Data Disaggregation Training will cover the fundamentals of assessment and the ideological framework they represent. Teachers will be equipped to give strong and straight answers to parents questions about assessment results.

Additionally, teachers will be equipped to measure longitudinal gains and losses as well as provide understanding as to “why” the results occurred. Teachers will be able to identify the lowest performers and the specific strategies to close the achievement gap for those under-achievers.

This training will CHANGE THE GAME for your school!

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