This year, Independence Day has some mixed emotions given the recent ruling of the Supreme Court. It obviously raises a lot of questions and concerns moving forward. And, while we do not have all the answers, we can apply wisdom and good practice for the future.

It would be foolish for us to believe that there aren’t a few teachers in our schools that have supported the same-gender marriage debate. However, as a Christian school, you may want to be sure that your teachers and employees are supporting the school’s or church’s spiritual values.

Several years ago, LCS recommneded that every church and school develop a position on homosexuality. Since courts will generally protect “firmly held beliefs” it is imortant for organizations to formulate what those beliefs are. The League of Christian Schools adheres Assemblies of God policy on homosexuality. That policy is available for your review and consideration on the member portal. To access the document, please log into the portal by going to, and go to General Forms. You will find that document link there. You can also find it under “Files.”

We encourage you to also read the two short articles that are linked from our website that will help you understand the ruling and what it may mean for the future of Christian schools.

Article 1: Supreme Confusion
Article 2: George Wood Responds to SCOTUS Ruling

This Independence Day, let us all remember to thank God for all He has done for our country and ask for His mercy and guidance.


Michael A. Burroughs
Executive Director
