Several states have contracted with the DOE for the next level of emergency funding referred to as EANS (Emergency Funding for Nonpublic Schools)

To see if your state has applied, click the link below.

States With EANS

What can we do with EANS?

How to Spend EANS Funds

We have had a lot of questions on spending EANS funds. Many schools have received large amounts of this grant money but now face difficulty understanding how it can be used for more than just PPE. We have compiled the list below from our schools. Please remember, it is up to each state to approve each submission. While each of these have been approved, it does not mean a state will approve it on your school’s application. Also, please remember that you will need to factor in installation costs and possibly removal costs for some items.

EANS Q&A with Marcey Ayers

FACTSed EANS Workbook

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